List of all OKRs, filterable by session(s) and team(s) with their members
Percentage and count for aligned OKRs, filterable by session(s) and team(s) with their members.
Key Results that have not received an update in the current cadence, excluding abandoned objectives, filterable by session(s) and team(s) with their members
All Key Results under active objectives that have never received an update, filterable by session(s) and team(s) with their members.
Number of users in Quantive Results filterable by date of creation and team(s) with their members. Deactivated users are not included.
Counts for each Teams Objective and Key Result ownership, filterable session(s) and team(s) with their members.
Average confidence level for each team by Key Result ownership, filterable by session(s) and team(s) with their members.
List of all Objectives and Key Results with their Tasks, filterable by session(s) and team(s) with their members by Objective ownership.
Percentage and counts for Key Results updated in each cadence, filterable by session(s) and team(s) with their members
Percentage and count of Key Results that have received an update in the current cadence, filterable by session(s) and team(s) with their members.
List of the Key Results with the most updates. Filter by session(s) and team(s) and their members
List of all OKRs with their associated progress, filterable by session(s) and team(s) with their members